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Elizabeth stresses the importance of empowering women in the power and energy industry

Women in the power and energy industry need to be empowered in business so that policies and strategies represent their needs, says Elizabeth Marabwa, Chief Director at South Africa’s Department of Mineral Resources of Energy.

To kick off Day 2 of Enlit Africa 2023, women and men across the energy value chain gathered at the Women in Energy Breakfast to discuss pertinent issues surrounding the inclusion of women in the power and energy sector.

The aim of the session, supported by the Energy Council of Canada, was to consolidate the collective experience, influence and positioning of women in the industry.

Nthato Minyuku, Africa Head of Government Affairs at Siemens Energy, said that this was “to make sure that our daughters, our nieces, our grandchildren are not being pioneers the way most of us are being pioneers now.”

The role of policy-making in women empowerment

During the session, Marabwa touched on the value of policy-making in creating space for women in the industry. She emphasised that it is critical and strategic for women to be included in decision making so they can weigh in on what is just/fair for women.

“It is important for women that when papers and policies are sent out for comment, you participate so that we include your voice and represent [women],” she said.

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Pointing out the structural issues that exist which exclude women from participating, Marabwa said that women in policy must be spokespeople for women without a platform and leave no one behind. “We are the change agents,” she said.

“We need to make sure that we capacitate and reskill everyone who is affected so that we include all women… We need to make sure that our policies and strategies have [women’s] voices and are gender-sensitive,” Marabwa added.

Creating spaces to be led by women

Raksha Naidoo, Chairperson of Women in Mining South Africa and CEO of the Particle Group, said women are objectively better leaders as they lead with empathy and a holistic mindset which bring about great change.

Naidoo also pointed out that there are things that can be done from a Just Energy Transition perspective that can create space for women.

Pre-register for Enlit Africa 2025, taking place on 20-22 May at the CTICC in Cape Town, South Africa

“It has become so important in any industry that the conversation takes place with the right people around the table and the opportunities are given to the right people who can bring about change,” Naidoo added.

“If we don’t start changing our way of thinking and our narrative, no change is going to happen,” she said.

“It has become so important in any industry that the conversation takes place with the right people around the table and the opportunities are given to the right people who can bring about change,” Naidoo added.

“If we don’t start changing our way of thinking and our narrative, no change is going to happen,” she said.

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Recommendations for Women in Energy

Closing off the session, Phemelo Mitchell, Head of Renewable Energy Business Development at Sasol, said that it is time for women in the energy and mining space to find other women who pull them up and empower them.

She encouraged women not to shy away from networking, but rather to build their platforms through interactive networking spaces and to take an influential role in ensuring that gender inclusivity can be impactful.

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Mitchell also said that allies of women and women themselves need to advocate for family-friendly policies so as not to give discrimination breeding room in the workplace.

“You will never be ready for anything, but you must make yourself ready by aiming and thriving to be in those leadership positions,” she said.

Lastly, she added that women need to celebrate each other’s achievements to uplift and empower each other because creating gender-inclusive workspaces requires a collective effort. ESI

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Women In special mention on SABC News. Women In Energy session at Enlit Africa 2023

After the successful Women In Energy session at Enlit Africa 2023, SABC news interviews some of the attendees and the founder of Women In, Nazlee Fredericks.

Melissa Du Toit, CEO & Founder of MELJIN Energy Consultants


Mellisa du Toit is the driving force behind MELJIN BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL, a renowned company that has been making significant strides in the commercial property and energy sectors. Her unwavering dedication to environmental protection fuels her mission to reduce the carbon footprint of her clients by providing innovative renewable energy solutions. By collaborating with leading EPC solar providers, Mellisa delivers cutting-edge energy solutions tailored to meet her clients’ specific needs. This approach not only helps businesses reduce production costs but also enables them to achieve their long-desired sustainability goals.

With her extensive experience in managing renewable energy projects, Mellisa ensures a seamless and efficient tender process for her clients, setting her apart as a trustworthy and results-oriented leader. Moreover, she excels as a motivational mentor and strategic visionary, empowering teams through coaching and targeted training programs. As the founder of MELJIN Direct Motivation, she is committed to guiding individuals towards unlocking their full potential and finding purpose in their work lives.

In her role as CEO of MELJIN Energy, Mellisa has proven herself as a formidable force in managing commercial and industrial energy projects. Her consultative and customized approach fosters enduring client partnerships, earning her widespread admiration and respect within the industry.

Beyond her entrepreneurial prowess and expertise in the energy sector, Mellisa du Toit stands tall as a powerful role model for women, igniting their determination to challenge the status quo in traditionally male-dominated fields. Her groundbreaking achievements in the energy industry and unwavering dedication to sustainability have made her a beacon of inspiration for aspiring women professionals across the board.

Mellisa’s unwavering commitment to professionalism, integrity, and exceptional service is evident in the positive impact she continues to make in both the energy and commercial sectors. Her visionary efforts in striving for a more sustainable future are nothing short of remarkable.


In your opinion, why do you think the energy sector in its current state has less female representation and do you see it increasing?

The energy sector has historically been male-dominated, and there are several factors that have contributed to the underrepresentation of women in this industry:

Stereotypes and Social Norms: Traditional gender stereotypes and societal expectations have played a significant role in discouraging women from pursuing careers in fields that are perceived as more “technical” or “physical,” which includes many roles within the energy sector.

Lack of Role Models: The absence of visible female role models in leadership positions within the industry can make it more challenging for women to envision themselves in similar roles and progress in their careers.

Educational and Workplace Barriers: Women may face barriers in accessing education and training in fields related to energy. Additionally, workplaces may not always be conducive to the advancement of women, leading to a lack of representation in higher-level positions.

Unconscious Bias: Unconscious bias, both in hiring practices and workplace environments, can lead to discriminatory practices that hinder the career advancement of women.

Work-Life Balance: Some roles within the energy sector, particularly in certain sub-sectors like oil and gas, can involve demanding schedules and frequent travel, which may be perceived as challenging for maintaining work-life balance and dissuade some women from pursuing such careers.

Despite these challenges, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the energy sector and other industries. Many companies are actively working to improve gender diversity and representation within their organizations. Furthermore, women have been making significant strides in the energy sector, taking up roles in various areas like engineering, renewable energy, policy-making, and corporate leadership. As awareness increases and organizations continue to prioritize diversity and inclusion, it is hopeful that the representation of women in the energy sector will continue to increase over time.

What do you see as the role of women in ensuring energy security and resilience in the power sector?

Women play a crucial role in ensuring energy security and resilience in the power sector in various ways:

Leadership and Decision-Making: Women can contribute significantly to energy security and resilience by taking up leadership positions in the power sector. Their diverse perspectives and experiences can lead to better decision-making and more comprehensive strategies for addressing energy challenges.

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Women leaders can advocate for diversity and inclusion within the industry. A diverse workforce brings in a broader range of ideas, skills, and solutions, making the power sector more adaptable and resilient to changing circumstances.

Advancing Renewable Energy and Sustainability: Women have been instrumental in driving the adoption of renewable energy and promoting sustainable practices in the power sector. As champions of environmental causes, they can advocate for cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions, contributing to long-term energy security and reducing the sector’s environmental impact.

Innovation and Technology: Women in the power sector are driving innovation and technology advancements. They contribute to the development of smart grids, energy storage solutions, and other cutting-edge technologies that enhance energy security and grid resilience.

Community Engagement and Empowerment: Women often play a significant role in community engagement efforts related to energy projects. Their involvement helps ensure that the concerns and needs of local communities are taken into account, fostering better relationships and acceptance of energy infrastructure development.

Education and Skill Development: Women can contribute to energy security by actively participating in and promoting education and skill development programs related to energy. By encouraging more women to pursue STEM education and energy-related careers, they contribute to building a skilled workforce for the sector’s future challenges.

Energy Policy and Advocacy: Women can influence energy policies and regulations that impact energy security and resilience. They can advocate for policies that promote clean energy, grid modernization, and equitable access to energy resources.

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Women have been at the forefront of climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. As climate change poses risks to energy infrastructure and resources, their contributions in this area are essential for enhancing the sector’s resilience.

In summary, women have a multifaceted role in ensuring energy security and resilience in the power sector. Their contributions, in leadership, sustainability, innovation, community engagement, education, and policy advocacy, are vital for building a robust and sustainable energy future. Encouraging greater gender diversity and inclusion in the power sector will undoubtedly lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions for energy challenges.

What message do you have for women entering a male-dominated sector?

Entering a male-dominated sector can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to make a significant impact and pave the way for others. Here are some messages of encouragement and advice:

  1. Believe in Yourself: You belong in this sector just as much as anyone else. Have confidence in your abilities, skills, and knowledge. Trust that you have what it takes to succeed and make a positive impact.
  2. Embrace Your Uniqueness: Your perspective and experiences as a woman can bring valuable insights and diversity to the table. Embrace your uniqueness and use it as a strength in your professional journey.
  3. Challenge Stereotypes: Don’t be afraid to challenge stereotypes and biases. Your success and accomplishments will help break down barriers and prove that gender should never be a limiting factor in any field.
  4. Seek Mentors and Allies: Find mentors and allies who support and advocate for you. They can provide guidance, advice, and help you navigate the challenges you may encounter.
  5. Support Other Women: Lift and support other women around you. Building a strong network of support can create a more inclusive and empowering environment for everyone.
  6. Be Resilient: There may be obstacles and setbacks along the way, but don’t let them deter you. Stay resilient and learn from each experience, using them to grow and become even stronger.
  7. Continuously Learn: Stay curious and committed to continuous learning. The more you know, the more confident you’ll feel in your abilities.
  8. Celebrate Your Achievements: Celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small. Recognize your hard work and progress, and take pride in what you’ve accomplished.
  9. Advocate for Change: Use your voice to advocate for positive changes within the sector. Be a champion for diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities.
  10. Lead by Example: As you progress in your career, remember that you are not only creating opportunities for yourself but also setting an example for future generations of women. Lead with integrity and inspire others to follow their dreams.
  11. Remember that you are not alone; there are many women who have succeeded in male-dominated sectors, and you can too. Stay true to yourself, be persistent, and use your skills and passion to make a difference. Your presence in the sector contributes to breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive and equitable future for all.

Mariam Diedericks, Director at Coalition Energy Projects


Mariam Diedericks is a distinguished entrepreneur and esteemed figure within the flourishing Renewable Energy/Solar PV sector. Her professional journey commenced with a notable tenure of 14 years in the domains of Private and Retail Banking, followed by a decisive foray into the realm of entrepreneurship in 2003. Over the course of her illustrious career, she has initiated multiple enterprises, with particular pride vested in her family-owned establishment in the Electrical Contracting sphere, a venture that has progressively expanded its scope to encompass the Green Economy.

Educationally, Mariam Diedericks undertook her tertiary studies at the esteemed Damelin Institute, where she diligently pursued her academic aspirations. As a testament to her commitment to professional excellence, she has achieved certification as a proficient Project Manager, a distinction that underscores her competence in orchestrating complex undertakings. Demonstrating her dedication to fostering the growth of small enterprises, she successfully concluded a Post Graduate program in Small Business Consulting, concurrently pursuing further academic enrichment through her ongoing pursuit of an MBA (Masters in Business Administration), which she completed online.

Mariam Diedericks’ active involvement in the business community is notably marked by her tenure as Chairperson of the Athlone branch of the Cape Chamber of Commerce, a role in which she provided invaluable leadership and strategic guidance. Presently, she holds a prominent position on the board of the Western Cape Business Opportunities Forum (WECBOF), where her insightful contributions continue to shape regional business initiatives.

Beyond her entrepreneurial accomplishments, Mariam Diedericks holds the distinction of being a certified Business and Life Coach, channeling her expertise towards the advancement of women, family-owned enterprises, and the younger generation. As a visionary founder and esteemed director of a non-profit organization, her altruistic endeavors are centered on the empowerment of community-based NGO leadership, driven by a comprehensive approach encompassing education, training, and economic empowerment. Her multifaceted contributions underscore her status as an influential and compassionate leader dedicated to fostering lasting positive change within both the business and societal realms.


How did you end up in the energy sector and what advice would you give to other women wanting to follow a similar career trajectory?

I found my way into the energy sector through a strategic pivot driven by the necessity for innovation and diversification in our struggling Electrical Construction business. Recognizing the changing landscape of electricity within our country, I saw the potential in solar photovoltaics (PV) and seized the opportunity. The decision was rooted not only in economic considerations but also in my genuine excitement about the positive societal and environmental impacts that renewable energy could bring.

For women aspiring to embark on a similar career trajectory in the energy sector, I wholeheartedly encourage you to explore the boundless opportunities that await you. The time is ripe for women to make their mark, not only in the energy sector but also across the entire Green Economy.

What do you see as the role of women in ensuring energy security and resilience in the power sector?

Diverse Perspectives and Leadership: Women bring unique perspectives and insights to the table, which can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving. In a sector as complex as the power industry, having a diverse range of voices and ideas can result in more innovative and inclusive strategies for achieving energy security and resilience.

Skills and Expertise: Women have made significant strides in education and career advancement, acquiring skills and expertise across various disciplines. in areas such as engineering, technology, research, and policy can directly impact the energy sector’s resilience and efficiency.

Community Engagement and Education: Women often play a central role in communities, and their involvement can be instrumental in educating and raising awareness about energy conservation, renewable energy, and sustainable practices.

What message do you have for other women entering a male-dominated sector?

Your presence and contributions are invaluable and have the power to create positive change not only for yourself but for future generations of women as well.

Believe in Yourself: Remember that you are just as capable, talented, and deserving as anyone else in your chosen field. Your gender does not define your abilities. Embrace your strengths and believe in your potential.

Stay Resilient: Challenges and obstacles may come your way, but don’t let them deter you. Your determination and resilience will play a crucial role in your success. Use setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

Seek Mentorship: Find mentors, both men and women, who can guide you and provide valuable insights based on their experiences. They can offer advice, share their own struggles, and help you navigate the unique dynamics of your sector.

Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Connect with other women in your field and share your experiences, successes, and challenges. Building a network can provide you with encouragement and a sense of belonging.

Continuous Learning: Stay curious and committed to learning and self-improvement. Industries are constantly evolving, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments will enhance your competitiveness and confidence.

What unique opportunities do you see for women in your sector?

STEM Education and Careers: The energy sector heavily relies on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Initiatives have been launched to encourage women to pursue STEM education and careers in fields like renewable energy, clean technology, data analytics, and engineering.

Renewable Energy: The transition to renewable energy sources presents significant opportunities for women. As the renewable energy sector grows, there is a chance to establish a more balanced and diverse workforce from the outset, unlike some traditional energy industries that have been established for decades.

Energy Access and Poverty Alleviation: In many developing countries, women are disproportionately affected by energy poverty. Initiatives are addressing this issue by empowering women through training programs for clean energy technologies and involving them in projects that aim to provide energy access to underserved communities.

What recent legal or regulatory changes do you think have the potential to make a positive impact on energy access in Africa?

Renewable Energy Incentives and Support: Many African countries have started implementing policies and regulations to encourage the growth of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. These incentives may include feed-in tariffs, tax breaks, or subsidies to attract investment in clean energy projects and make them more economically viable.

Off-Grid Solutions: Governments and international organizations have been supporting off-grid energy solutions, such as mini-grids and standalone solar systems. Policies that facilitate the deployment of these technologies can help reach remote and rural areas that are often overlooked by centralized grid expansion.

Support for Local Entrepreneurs: Governments and organizations are recognizing the potential of local entrepreneurs in driving energy access solutions. By providing financial and regulatory support to these entrepreneurs, the development of innovative energy technologies and business models can be accelerated.

What opportunities do you see in Africa’s energy market?

Addressing Energy Poverty: More than half of the population in Africa lacks access to reliable electricity, leading to widespread energy poverty. solar home systems and mini-grids, present an opportunity to bring electricity to remote and underserved regions, thereby improving the lives of millions of people.

Rising Demand: As economies grow and populations increase, the demand for energy also rises. Off-grid solutions can play a crucial role in meeting this demand, especially in areas where extending the traditional grid might be financially or logistically challenging.

Renewable Energy Potential: Africa has abundant renewable energy resources, including ample sunlight in many regions. Solar energy, in particular, can be harnessed effectively, making it an attractive option for decentralized energy solutions.

Feature – Nompumelelo Mangena, SSA Senior Sales Manager, GE Vernova’s Steam Power


Nompumelelo (Mpumi) Mangena is the Senior Sales Manager for GE Vernova’s Steam Power business in Sub-Saharan Africa. GE Vernova’s Steam Power business offers a broad portfolio of technologies and services—predominantly for nuclear and coal power plants—helping customers deliver reliable power as they transition to a lower-carbon future.

Mpumi joined GE in 2012 as a Sales and Services Manager for its power portfolio. Prior to GE, she was a System Engineer at Eskom Matla and Kelvin power stations. She has acquired over 17 years in experience working in the energy industry locally and internationally. Her experience spans through the private and public sector with a combination of system engineering, business management, sales and marketing background and a key focus on stakeholder management. This experience has allowed her to develop a strategic set of contacts and relationships across the private sector as well as within government.

Mpumi earned a Bachelor of Technology degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Africa. She just completed a Post-Graduate diploma in Coaching with the South African College of Applied Psychology.

She is an energetic, positive, and strong individual that will take lead in almost any situation.  She currently resides in Pretoria with her adorable 7-year-old boy and supportive husband. When she’s not working you will find her playing Golf, traveling, coaching and mentoring aspirant and early-mid career professionals.


What are some of the major changes you’ve seen during your time in this industry?

I have seen more women joining the sector, seen them taking leadership roles, and I have unfortunately seen women leave for several reasons including environment readiness and lack of support. Develop a welcoming and inclusive workplace culture that promotes opportunities for advancement and flexible work arrangements to encourage entry and retention into the sector.

What message do you have for other women entering a male-dominated sector?

The industry is difficult, but you are not alone. There is a strong community of women you can reach out to in the sector for advice, community, and support. Embrace your strengths, build your knowledge of your specific industry, network, and constantly advocate for yourself.

How do you hope to see women more included in the energy sector?

By intentionally recognizing women as capable participants in the sector not as affirmative statistics. We need to identify, recruit, hire, train, promote and retain on merit. This will go a long way in including and expanding the sector to women.

In your opinion, why do you think the energy sector in its current state has less female representation and do you see it increasing?

I don’t believe it is increasing. I think the industry is not glamorized like other industries due to gender stereotypes and traditional societal norms which have influenced the perception of what roles are for women. Technical and engineering roles have traditionally been seen as roles designed for males. Many of the opportunities are in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) and the underrepresentation of women in STEM creates difficulty in building and developing a pipeline. If we do not deliberately create spaces and accommodations to invest in bursaries targeted at females or apply visible mentorships to aspiring learners, representation will not increase. The struggle to strike work-life balance due to the constant requirement to be available at all times is another barrier to achieving the representation we want to see.

How do you think men can support a more equal workplace as well as help accelerate women in their careers?

We cannot leave men behind in the advancement or inclusion of women in the sector. In my experience I have seen men supporting the acceleration of women. It starts with the education and awareness of men around issues that affect women so men can understand their predisposed privilege, identify and confront their unconscious biases.

What is the most important conversation we should be having in the sector?

How to open up the sector to have greater participation for women within energy. The discussion should be centred around how we create stronger PPP (Private-Public-Partnerships) to build and support SMEs. On a micro level, we should also be discussing how to improve work environments and manage the high level of work pressures to achieve the best results.

What opportunities do you see in Africa’s energy market?

The recent BRICS summit in SA has shown an increase in the appetite for stronger geopolitical ties between Africa and China.  China has pledged R500m to assist the energy crisis in South Africa, this provides opportunities for funding which have been a challenge for African projects. Energy access offers a great opportunity as a significant population still lacks access to electricity.  This gap represents an opportunity to implement off-grid mini-grid systems and distributed renewable energy projects to provide power to remote and underserved areas.